

Christmas in Vienna

Quick facts: Capital of Austria with 2 million inhabitants. Music, art, apefelstrudel, spies and of course Christmas markets – which was our main purpose for this trip.

Trip highlights: Apefelstrudel, dumplings and meeting old friends (in nostalgic time not age). 

Points: Local Beer 8.2/10 points,  local wine 8/10 points, Food 8.5/10 points, Apefelstrudel 8.6/10 points.


Vienna Christmas market

Christmas market in Vienna has been on Tess’ bucketlist for a long time. Vienna is famous for classic markets and just a 2 hour flight away – we can’t believe we haven’t been sooner. 

We also had the chance to meet up with some friends who took us to a fantastic dumpling place. so good that we forgot to take a single photo. And apfelstrudel, there was many apfelstrudels. 

We hit all 7 big Christmas markets and drank glühwein, hid from snow and rain and saw many Christmas ornaments – among other things.. 


We had a lot of great food in Vienna, starting with breakfast at a classic Austrian cafe. We actually stumbled on to this place on our way to the first market, and with a little bit of a wait, we ordered a delicious breakfast. 

Café Landtmann

After a few hours walking around Vienna in the cold – and still having some time before our dinner reservation – we plopped into a tapas place that had fantastic wine, friendly staff and nice smelling food. It’s defiantly on our list for the next visit. 

Bodega Marqués

First night we made a reservation for some Austrian food at Lugeck. There was a queue to get through the door, so if you go be sure to make a reservation beforehand. 

This classic Viennese tavern culture has a home in one of downtown Vienna’s most picturesque and storied buildings. The room was big and felt very authentic. The food was good and the beer was cold. What more can you ask for?


We tried some other classics at the market, the chocolate cake at a small cafe and drank prosecco from a draft. And, of course schnitzel. 

One cuisine we always keep an eye out for is Korean bbq. We found Yori in Vienna and was not disappointed. You get your own grill and a lot of food. Tess also had a tea that hits all you taste buds – if anyone knows where to get this in Stockholm, please let us know. 


As mentioned, we went for Chinese food where we forgot to take photos, but trust us when we say its worth one or two visits. 


Walking around Vienna

Vienna is beautiful, we loved walking around this very impressive city. Found some fun names of places, got lost in the subway, drank some hot chocolate and said we should definitely come back in summer. 

Thank you

Thank you to Caroline and Kalle for a great night going to dinner, having drinks on rooftops and ending the night with some Italian red wine. We will be back! 

The poster for Vienna – we choose one of the iconic buildings that represents this historic city. What do you think? 

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